What's new?
On February 2, Twoey will be hosting the Toronto Tamagotchi Club meetup at Allan Gardens.
Twoey's poem was announced as shortlisted for Briarpatch Magazine's Writing in the Margins contest
She's also working on a big campaign for a student levy increase at Bikechain. University of Toronto students, contact outreach@bikechain.ca to get involved!
Twoey Gray is a Toronto-based zinester, arts educator, mad-girl hyperprude, and poet lady. She is a second-born daughter named after the number. She is coming to your city. It’s too late.
Twoey is the author of several works including Not Home: True Stories from Abandoned Places, an essay collection on the power of trespassing; Electrodaughter, a poetry collection on her experience recieving electroconvulsive therapy; and Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, a zinepoem interrogating the pathologization of asexuality.
Twoey is also the co-editor of PRUDEmag, a zine for spinsters, asexuals, celibates, relationship anarchists, and all others refusing sex-necessarism.
For nice emails, find me at twoey.gray@gmail.com. For not-nice emails, don't email me.