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Twoey has moved to Vancouver and is very happy. She might come back to Toronto again one day. Life is a mystery.


Twoey Gray is a Vancouver-transplanted zinester, arts educator, mad-girl hyperprude, and poet lady. She is a second-born daughter named after the number. She is coming to your city. It’s too late.

Twoey is the author of several works including Not Home: True Stories from Abandoned Places, an essay collection on the power of trespassing; Electrodaughter, a poetry collection on her experience recieving electroconvulsive therapy; and Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, a zinepoem interrogating the pathologization of asexuality.

Twoey is also the co-editor of PRUDEmag, a zine for spinsters, asexuals, relationship anarchists, and all others refusing sex necessarism.


For nice emails, find me at twoey.gray@gmail.com. For not-nice emails, don't email me.
